Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tues. Nov. 14, 2006

- Shopping for fiber

I went North today to the wilderness of Biddeford, Maine where they are just about finished installing Biddeford Complex, a huge complex of all the usual shops, Linens and things, Chili's, Appleby's, Target. Why travel anymore. WalMart is there too, oh, excuse me, a WalMart Superstore.

Anyone out there remember the Gum Department store in pre-Perestroika Moscow. It was practically the only place to shop and all us Westerners pitied the poor Russians with so few choices. Who knows? I was forced to go there. WalMart, not Moscow, because I had looked at three other stores for GooBeGone to try to get burnt on fabric starch off my expensive iron. I'm ready to get out the sandpaper, the GooBeGone is not working.

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